Free Get Paid eBook for appraisers
You're running an appraisal business, not just an appraisal "practice". And collecting unpaid debts is an unfortunate reality of running your business. You deserve to appropriately compensated for your work, but figuring out the best ways to get what you’re owed without burning bridges or looking unprofessional can be tricky.
This eBook gives you tips and advice on accepting payments, how to keep track of what you’re owed, and following up on past due accounts. There are even scripts and letter templates to help you get started.

Keep your invoices organized and simplify your billing process with TOTAL’s SmartFilters. Specially designed for appraisers, SmartFilters gives you basic accounting data based on your report invoices, including seeing what you’re owed in a glance. There's no extra work to do.
Don't have TOTAL yet? Click here to see everything included.